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Your Support Makes a Difference

Your financial contribution allows us to sustain and expand the difference we make.

By supporting our mission, you are standing up for the unequivocal right to economic access and opportunity. Join us as we seek to engage the next generation of Chicago’s leaders and prove that a stronger Black community is a better Chicago!

Ensuring access to quality education that prepares individuals to become lifelong learners and to be competitive and successful in the global economy.
Preparing individuals for work at all levels in an ever-changing economy, developing engaged citizens, and building strong families.
Supporting community based investment and growth through facilitating entrepreneurship, business development, and home and real estate ownership.
Advocating for policies and programs that ensure equal participation by Black people in the economic and social mainstream.

Does your employer match your donations? You may be able to increase the impact of your donation by submitting it for a matching gift.

Planned Giving

All donors of planned gifts to the Chicago Urban League are providing lasting benefits that will be felt among Chicago’s Black communities for generations to come.

These gifts help sustain the Chicago Urban League’s work and helps donors create a permanent legacy. In addition, the value of a planned gift may include tax benefits and possibly some return of income. Your lawyer, accountant or financial advisor can provide further information on the benefits of planned giving.

Examples of Planned Gifts

Gifts of securities of stock that you’ve had for more than one year.
Charitable bequests to the Chicago Urban League through a will or living trusts.
Naming the Chicago Urban League as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy or retirement plan.