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Urban League affiliates in Illinois issue statement on Gov. Rauner’s veto of gun licensing legislation

Urban League affiliates in Illinois issue statement on Gov. Rauner’s veto of gun licensing legislation

On behalf of the Illinois affiliates of the National Urban League, Shari Runner, President and CEO of the Chicago Urban League, issued the following statement on Gov. Bruce Rauner’s decision to veto Illinois Senate Bill 1657:

“We are incredibly disappointed with Governor Bruce Rauner’s decision to veto legislation that would have required common sense licensing for gun dealers in our state. His decision shows utter disregard for the hundreds of Illinois lives that are lost each year to gun violence, which is unquestionably aided by easy access to guns. It is also ironic and insulting that he attempts to tie his damaging veto to a purported concern for addressing issues of mental health, school safety and crime prevention. After allowing programs that serve the mentally ill and prevent crime to languish without funding for two years, the governor’s stated concerns today are simply not believable. In the face of an opportunity to reduce violence and gun deaths in the state, the governor has sided against public health and safety. The Chicago Urban League, along with Springfield, Quad County, Madison County, and Tri-County affiliates of the National Urban League, remain committed to addressing the problem of easy access to guns, and we will work with our partners to support an override of the governor’s ill-conceived veto.”